From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 09/06/2009 15:22:22 UTC
Subject: ODG: New Publications from Hart
Attachments: Order Form.doc

Dear Colleagues:

Hart has recently published two new titles that might be of interest to you.  The first is The Change of Position Defence by Elise Bant, the other is Exploring Contract Law edited by myself, Richard Bronaugh and Stephen G A Pitel and which contains articles written by many ODG regulars. Hart has agreed to offer a 20% discount to all members of the ODG who wish to order either of these titles. I attach an order form, which details how to receive the discount, for those that might be interested . Here are the book descriptions:

        The Change of Position Defence

Elise Bant

 This book defines and explains the operation of the defence of change of position in Anglo-Australian law. It is a widely accepted view that the defence is a modern development, the first express recognition of which can be traced in England to the seminal decision of the House of Lords in Lipkin Gorman (a firm) v Karpnale Ltd. Commentators have accordingly tended to focus on post-Lipkin case law in discussing the defence and its many disputed features.

 This work takes a different stance, arguing that the defence is best understood by placing it within its broader historical and legal context. It explains that the foundations of the defence can be found in the related doctrines of estoppel by representation, the agent's defence of payment over and the law of rescission. The analysis applies crucial insights from those areas, together with the change of position authorities and broader considerations of policy and principle, to develop a rigorous model of the change of position defence.

 The work not only provides a clear and exhaustive examination of the defence, but demonstrates that, properly understood, the defence operates in a rational and justifiable manner within its broader private law context. In so doing, its analysis meets the oft-expressed concern than the defence may operate in an unprincipled way or by reference to 'that vague jurisprudence which is sometimes attractively styled "justice as between man and man"'.

 Elise Bant is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Melbourne Law School and Honorary Fellow (and former Senior Lecturer) at The University of Western Australia.

May 2009    366pp    Hbk    9781841139654    £60 / €81   Discount Price: £48 / €65


Exploring Contract Law

 Foreword by Justice Ian Binnie of the Supreme Court of Canada

 In this book, leading scholars from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States deal with important theoretical and practical issues in the law of contract and closely-related areas of private law. The articles analyse developments in the law of estoppel, mistake, undue influence, the interpretation of contracts, assignment, exclusion clauses and damages. The articles also address more theoretical issues such as discerning the limits of contract law, the role of principle in the development of contract doctrine and the morality of promising. With its rich scope of contributors and topics, Exploring Contract Law will be highly useful to lawyers, judges and academics across the common law world.

 Contributors: Rick Bigwood, Richard Bronaugh, Mindy Chen-Wishart, Helge Dedek, Gerald H L Fridman, Mark P Gergen, Andrew S Gold, Kelvin F K Low, Jason W Neyers, Stephen G A Pitel, Andrew Roberston, Stephen A Smith, Robert Stevens, Andrew Tettenborn, Chee Ho Tham, Catherine Valcke, Stephen Waddams, Charlie Webb.

 May 2009    462pp    Hbk    9781841139067    £75 / €102   Discount Price: £60 / €82


Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law & 
Cassels Brock LLP Faculty Fellow in Contract Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435